Rainy, cold craziness
Edit:I just got the weekly schedule email from head honcho 3. As of Halloween, volunteers are no longer allowed to be in the warehouse without a staff member escorting them minus the scheduled groups. The reason is apparently that there are now double the amount of forklifts running around or something dumb like that. It doesn't apply to their area in the walk-in cooler. That isn't my job in the first place. We basically have to ask the head honchos for "escort". I'm not sure if the vest trick would work for me. I already mentioned this policy last Wednesday, but my opinion is man, ffs. I have roaming that warehouse floor longer than most of the new big wigs who just came in. I complained about this to an online friend with the cat dry heaping meme. They have been notified that the automatic cooler doors are being worked on to stay open for 30 seconds to allow pallet jacks and forklifts to move through more easily. "We know historically you've used your alliances with warehouse staff to obtain certain items or services." That was a funny line to read, it makes sound like food banking is a rpg. Due to the new stupid volunteer babysitting policy, we can't use these methods anymore, and the head honchos apparently will help with these communications on our behalf going forward. I mean, I can how well that is going as I roll my eyes. I swear all these new policies are just like walking on eggshells. "These closures are subject to change as we get closer to our move into the new building. Still no exact date for the move as we are totally dependent on construction projects and city inspections, but with vital pieces finally moving, the optimistic projection puts us in hopefully before Christmas." Mmmm, I don't know about that, lol.
Edit 2:This might be some interesting tea. I am going on a trip in July. My online friend went last year, so I have been planning to try it out since I have never been to a fan event before. It's mainly an event for streamers and content creators. It's the same people and the same awards. Me and my friend were expressing concerns about it. I heard that there were problems last year, and they might repeat this year, too. My friend had to help with registration last year since he had experience. His friend said the cosplay competition had some issues last year and gave feedback about how to improve it to the event organizer. The badges are 165 for the 3 day event and are in limited supply. You have to get them in time. My friend was having second thoughts about going because that price is like AX prices for one video game, plus it's at a 4-star hotel. I have checked the prices, and it's one thousand and something dollars without the discount code for two people in one bedroom. I am staying in a hostel, so it was only 248.69 for mine, lol. Now that I think about it, it feels like they are pricing out some fans. They could have done it at some other cheaper venue. Apparently, they want to have a con-like experience. They are also asking for volunteers, and my friend brings up a good point. The website doesn't say if they get anything either. I am hoping that they at least pay for the volunteers badges. The volunteer form even asked for volunteer photographers/videographers. I think that position should at least be hired instead of free labor. My friend felt bad that I had already spent some money on it, but I told him that I'll get a 3/4 refund and spend it on pimping out my dreamcast if he doesn't go. I'm very curious about the plan for the Friday dinner and how they will handle that.
It was so ducking cold that morning! I made sure to put on triple layers:Purple jacket, chicken scarf, and paopu fruit sweater. I took my fanny keychain off the psp after I was being silly and taking inspiration from a Twitter post. Their Kingdom hearts psp is so cool. I saw I had to wait until Tuesday because of the holiday for my dreamcast to be delivered.
Another Wednesday of the Connect app being funky. The van driver asked if I liked the snow and told me not to get cold since I forgot my jacket. I replied that I didn't mind it because I only walk that day and I have a ride to the stop. I returned the question to him. Apparently, it snows a lot in the country he is from, so he is sick of it.
The internet archive saving feature has been purring like a kitten since it came back online. It is 100/10, and we love Internet Archive. I have started archiving FFXIAH forums in my free time, but I am a one girl one-one phone team.
The first bus had to honk at someone rolling their shopping cart in the bus lane. I noticed the closed down restaurant that served really yummy mapo tofu is getting replaced by a Mac n cheese restaurant as I passed by. Get ready for twenty dollars plain mac. I had to take a transit survey.
There was an interesting person yelling at the bus stop, so I had to turn around and head to the other one. Quite a few planes in the sky there. I was a little confused if the bus was going to come. The tracker was being a bit weird, but forgot it comes later than the app says. It was super packed. Once more, there was another slow car, and then a truck just yanked itself in front of the bus. I saw the movie filming on a traffic light post. The person I sat next to wanted to know if I could see his privacy screen. I could, and that led to a brief chat. We talked about the bus tracking apps. I thought he was getting up, so I got up looking like a wierdo. I got embarrassed and moved to another seat.
Another person got off the bus and was walking down the path in front of me. It's always so awkward when people are there because it is usually so dead. I still put on the podcast when there was a bit of distance between us. They eventually crossed a different direction than me. The gas station's flavored coffee machine was broken. I made it in time before they got rid of the breakfast burritos. The sausage burrito was pretty okay. I was actually running pretty late for once. Almost got mowed down by a turning driver like clockwork. I saw two paratransit vans chilling near the food bank. I have ridden in them before since they use it when the connect van or buses are out. I also think I vaguely remember one came to a nfh outdoor distribution with a cilent to pick up food one or two years ago.
The receptionist volunteer praised me more. Liam joked that they could sit back, and I would do all the work during distributions. I learned that apparently we aren't supposed to call them clients and something else instead. I still do since I am too used to the staff calling them that. I used to just say person, people, or nothing.
I apologized for being 15 minutes late because everyone seemed to want to get off at every stop to head honcho 3. It's a half truth. He is a fellow bus rider, so he understood. We talked about voting adventures. The Catholic church he went to was dead. Mine was packed since it was a tiny shopping center. I told him about my dreamcast on the way. He was curious how much it was and replied that 80 bucks was pretty good. I explained the story of the lonely dreamcast and that I hoped it still worked. We agreed that era of consoles are pretty dust proof. I replied that my PS2 is a trooper after traveling and not being used for a few years, so it should be fine. I had to break the bad news that I would be actually gone for two weeks. I explained that I had to suck up to get my laptop fixed and sneak money for the fan event ticket since I'm going for the drama and I have a friend in the inside to spill the tea.
I saw a big zucchini on the checkout table when I left. I can't remember if she was talking about something or she thought I was looking at something else. She agreed that was a big one. I saw big boxes of mozzarella in a cart, and she started telling me what she does with her cheeses. I joked that I wouldn't tell if she snuck out with a box. She got a bit confused about what I was talking about while she still was. She agreed that it would be hard, too. She later told me that she wasn't sure Celeste would be here. I replied that I didn't care. She wanted to give me a ride if not. I feel pretty neutral towards people while food banking so, it shocks me that people want to do things like that sometimes. I missed Suzie(what I'll call dry goods lady) because I was late.
I surveyed the build area for a few minutes. I noticed there was a container that said to put a notice about all the days they were closed for the holidays. There was a big bag of candies in zipper lock bags, and near it was some sauces from a restaurant.
In due course, head honcho 2 came in from his meeting. I spoke about what random stuff I found and told him about my future absence. I joked that I don't know who will do my job. He bantered that they would have to get some unlucky soul to do it. I later showed him the mysterious bag of unlabeled pinto beans. He took it and said he would give it to someone at the bus stop. After that, I also showed him the plastic eyeball I found(I took it home with me) in either the cart or big bag of candy.
The tape was getting me so much trouble. Celeste showed up. After some time had passed, the mennonite boys showed up to help clean. I had to hide out because they started to sweep and mop around me. One of them said that he would just sweep around me, but I made sure to get out of the way. While I was hiding, head honcho 3 asked if I was doing that. He got interrupted before I could reply. The person left, and I asked if the cleaning crew was finally gone. I went out to chat with head honcho 3 and another person.
I had to get back to work after I made sure they were done. Celeste was finished with all the help, so I stayed behind because of the interruption. I listened to Missing in Arizona, plus a video about the history of dreamcast. Next week is the last Missing in Arizona. One of the ladies from the distribution said hi to me.
We made brief mentions about it, but it was raining and potentially gonna snow. Head honcho 3 told me that it is getting dark, unlike last week, so it might be time for me to head out. I only made 72 boxes this day. I could only restock some things because we are running out. A macaroni spill incident happened. It wasn't terrible, but it was such a pain to clean. I said my goodbye to them.
I bought a mango tea from the vending machine on my way out. Mango is yuck, but this was pretty okay. It was raining my whole walk. I didn't have an umbrella. It was mostly easy crossing. I made sure to go hide under a bus shelter when I finally got to the stop I needed.
I was knocked for a loop. I noticed a working ad screen on the bus. It's been a while since I last saw one. Someone was drinking spirits openly on the bus. Another cleaned the fogged up window. I checked my food bank hours. Hooray 494. All normal until.....some guy was talking smack about people. I wasn't back there, so I didn't see the incident. They just started throwing hands. The instigator was dragged off the bus. Some yelling, and the guy left his broken sunglasses. I thought it was over. It went to the next stop to let someone off. The instigator ran to in front of the bus. He would not leave at all. He punched the window along with jumping on the bike rack. The driver was pissed and absolutely didn't want to deal with him since he wanted to come back on. Dude, with a joint, was like there is a reason it's called Destiny-crazy. His girlfriend, after a bit, got up to calm him down. They walked off in the sunset.
On the second bus, it was pretty full. Army dude from the last bus gave me the seat I wanted. Some dude is selling shoes on the bus. The bus had a short detour until the transit center. Some people were freaking out about it. I thought about how the bus stops on my side of town need more love. The Connect app called me a lyft.

Future crazy cat lady
Edit:It's Monday atm, but Hanako season 2 information comes out soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The new season promotional picture is 100/10!!!!!! The hanako Twitter changed their banner! The ghost hotel was *chef kiss*!!! Aidairo's profile pic and banner changed!!!!1
Edit 2:I got a call the day after from my dad asking what my holiday plans are. I am spending Thanksgiving there. So I will be missing two weeks from food banking. I don't want to go since my dad's wife is a nightmare to deal with, and they try to force me to be "older sister," but it is what it is. I don't care one way or the other about their kid. He just exists for me, nothing more. I spent 21 years as a single kid. Not my pig, not my problem.
The morning started with the news that Aidairo started their ghost hotel Halloween event. I put the cat food bags in a Halloween tote bag. I also used leftover water to give some love to the catcus. I wonder if it will survive the winter this year. The Connect app called me a lyft. It only took seven minutes to arrive, and he was playing a rock station.
One DIRT stop was closed with cones around it. Some truck wasn't paying attention when the light turned green and got the bus honk. Another DIRT stop was closed with two city trucks blocking the street. As I previously mentioned that they are cracking down on the rules on the bus, some couple tried to get on with a wagon that couldn't fold since it had stuff in it. The driver warned them that he could only let them on with it this once and place it in the bike section. One of the motels entrance roof fell apart. I hopped off the first bus to be too early for the second.
The herd mentality will get me killed one day since I shouldn't be following the crowd when the crossing light isn't green, but the intersection was empty. At the bus stop, a city worker was power washing that spot and warned me to move out of the way since the wind would blow the water my way. I joking replied that the water would feel nice this afternoon. Man, I shouldn't have forgotten my sweater. It was very cold, but luckily the second bus was pretty warm.
I got hello from the worker going to the other building. I was busy chatting with the staff, another volunteer, and the volunteer receptionist in our front desk square after getting to the food bank. I remember we were talking about how these election calls or ads were getting annoying. They kept calling me late at night. Liam(What I'll call the volunteer engagement manager) informed me that I couldn't walk into the warehouse without a babysitter now after I told him about getting the boxes. Apparently, the reason that the three shift turned into two is that they are feeding more people. I also mentioned that I want to go to air my grievances to the ceo. The manager replied that he was always smoking in the parking lot. Nicolas(What I'll call the volunteer receptionist) commented that I'm great at distribution and asked the manager if he had ever worked with me at the distribution before after this. I replied that "With cilents, I don't know about that.". He mentions this to everyone. It's kind of getting annoying at this point. I hate when people praise me over and over because I could be a better volunteer. I am, in reality, just a lazy one. They apparently got a new website on the staff end. I saw the receptionist trying to figure it out, and I think Emma helped her out.
I left a bit after to chat with head honcho 3. I only remember the bits I noted. He sends movie props and stuff like that to his work address because his mom opens his mail. My tv can support composite. I mentioned my terrible thinkpad. He went to look at his, and I warned him. He thought it would be funny when I went up to the CEO. Some volunteers have already left over the change. I told him I would already be out for a holiday week so I can suck up for a laptop.
I went to bring in the cat food, and the other volunteers told me to take it outside. One of the members of the outside crew told me to place it on the curb. I told him about hearing about cat food man plight. He replied that he knew about it and thinks cat food man has 6 cats. I informed him that cat food man has 12 cats. He told me dang, that's a lot. I responded that I like cats, but not that much. He replied that he prefers dogs.
I forgot to sign in, so I had to do that. There was a cart full of leftover girl scout cookies. I took two boxes of the peanut butter one. Apparently, they were going to finish all of the boxes, but they knew that it's a long trip for me there. So they ended up leaving me some. I told Todd that I don't care if they finish because that means I can go home. I mentioned this info to head honcho 2 as he passed by. He answered that I didn't want to go home, and I wanna hang out with them. Another week of Missing in Arizona episode coming out. Today's episode was about people of interest in the case. Head honcho 1 swung by, and we said hello to each other.
On the box buidling front, it was the same shit. I had only twenty boxes to build. I think I finished. I offered to go get more boxes, head honcho 2 positively told me no because they would have to deal with the fall out. I also got a hello from the worker who greets me every week. Head honcho 3 told me jokingly to mention the boxes to Theodore if I can see him in the lobby. I replied that it's more okay if I do it since I have been there longer. I forgot what was said after, but I jested that the staff/volunteers have to earn my respect.
I thought we ran out of the orange cup labels, but they were hidden. I found them just after I told them that I needed more. At some point of the day, I was complaining about them leaving me boxes to head honcho 3. I continued that I could have just cleaned or made the shelves look nice. I joked that it wouldn't still have been up to dry goods lady's standards regardless. He later informed me of the solution where I can make boxes for days in advance. I thought the peas were also finally gone, but they were somewhere in the warehouse. I got permission to steal some from the senior distribution pallet instead.
Miles(Volunteer engagement manager) and head honcho 3 were chatting as Miles came by. Apparently, head honcho 2 got yelled at for getting boxes again. Miles joked that he could try, but that he would get yelled, too, especially since he doesn't know the process. I replied that just send them to me, and I'll yell back. Miles also mentioned that some of the warehouse staff have been getting really power trippy. They yell at volunteers all the times over stupid shit like to stay behind a yellow line when there is no line even there. I replied that they hadn't yelled at me yet since I sass back. I had assumed that I missed out on the food that the cilent who brings food for us bought. I got lucky and took the burrito home.
I bantered to head honcho 2 that it seemed the secret to getting into the warehouse is wearing a vest. I added that they might recognize my face since some of the new warehouse staff have started saying hi to me to head honcho 3. I told head honcho 3 that I finished, I didn't restock peas, and I noticed the hidden pet food since we can't give them out technically. Celeste(The lady who gives me a ride) finished, I showed her the cookies, we headed out, and she dropped me off.
The first bus back was pretty crowded, but it wasn't anything compared to the second bus. It was a DIRT, so I chose to stand in the bike rack area at first. I was gestured to a seat that I didn't especially want because I was in the way. I was trying to listen to some bus drama, but some guy wouldn't stop talking to strangers to ask about their car, then another about his electric scooter. I saw the connect van at the transit center. I started walking to it, but it came to me instead at the spot I had just left. It was a trainee driver who didn't want to make me wait. Her trainer was the van driver I'm super friendly with. We had a brief chat. I showed him the butter sculpture turkey I saw at Walmart. He replied that he would get a few for Thanksgiving. He also joked that the food bank should give me a stipend.

Queen bee of the warehouse
I had some coffee from a chain. It was an iced caramel pumpkin brulee breve. A tow truck forced him way through the stop and pointed at mom when she didn't have a stop sign on her side. Dad sent me a text that said, "Good morning yo, smile when you have time today.". I apparently had a mysterious package that was coming in the mail. I had to take a backpack to carry all the cat food cans. I called the connect van, and we talked about the future of the bus system, I mentioned how the recent survey from a east coast state university had a question about how much I would pay for fares and how often I would ride with these prices. The driver believes that the buses should stay free.
I saw a fellow bus passenger with a local Ayurvedic restaurant chain shirt while I was waiting. I wonder if they work there or if the restaurant started selling shirts. I leaped on the first bus. There was a new Missing in Arizona out! I made sure to download it for my walk or build. The driver accidentally turned on the speaker for a moment, which caused a loud static noise. My poor ears. Another day of a person missing a bus. The doors closed as he ran up. It happens to the best of us. I noticed one of the Amtrack buses to Twilight Town!!! What a rare sight. It was an okay ride, no complaints. I worked on my Halloween costume giveaway entry during it.
I got lucky that one of the crossing lights was on as I got off the bus. I knew the bus was coming, but I was still working on the entry when it rolled up. It shocked me a bit. I was polite and made sure to let everyone on before me. I had to temporarily sit by someone until more seats opened up. After one opened up, I waited to see if someone else wanted to sit in the empty seat. I eventually moved to that seat. The ride was also okay.
It isn't that heavy. It was still interesting hauling the cat food during the walk. No cars in my way at the gas store in and outs. I had a car turn very close behind me at an intersection. No cars in my way at the gas store in and outs. I saw three people on my walk. There isn't usually many out and about on the path. I moved a branch out of the way that on the small section of the road I walk on to the food bank. One of the food bank worker on the way to other building said hi as I passed him at the entrance of the parking lot. I chatted with the receptionist and volunteer receptionist for a few minutes. Even the receptionist thought some of the changes were really weird. I was talking about some nfc thing to the volunteer receptionist, so I mentioned the newest head honcho name. He asked what I thought about him. I replied that he's okay. Apparently, either the staff or volunteers were badmouthing him. I responded that they all talk smack about each other, I hear it all the time, I just don't care, and I have no beef with any of the staff. One of I.T. staff who came downstairs a few minutes ago gave me a look when I cursed. I left to drop off the cat food.
I said hi to the dry goods lady, announced that I bought some cat food, they told me to put it on the shelf, and the lady working produce had a brief conversation with me where I complained about the price of cat food, and how dog food was even more pricey. I felt awkward standing there, so I made the excuse that I was going to sign in. I signed in and went to annoy the head honchos.
Head honcho two was in his office. We conversed for a bit before he had to get back to work. I can't remember exactly all we talked about. I do remember that I mentioned the talk smack comment, I also said that I talk smack about the food bank on my website. He told me that he doesn't follow the food bank on any social media, I replied that I follow them on Twitter, and I thought the fb Instagram was pretty cringe. He proceeded to pull up the insta. He looked at some posts and then got recommend a fellow employee one. I said I had no choice to look at it since I wanted to download my fb pics because they often don't post it on Twitter. The Twitter version is also so basic in comparison.
It was still a bit early and I didn't have a ride, so I wasn't in a hurry, so I went to hang out in the mini office with two fellow volunteers and head honcho three. They talked about various stuff. The only things that stuck out was the distribution schedule for the holidays coming up in a few weeks, I asked if there was any special food coming, apparently not because the warehouse is being a pain, and there is more annoying changes coming. Since head honcho 3 wasn't in the mood to deal with the drama, I would have to talk to head honcho 2 or get the boxes myself. I chilled for five more minutes until I decided to go to work.
I noticed that we needed more boxes, so I went to ask head honcho 2. He didn't answer my knocks. Then I had to ask head honcho 3 what is the process for getting the boxes. I strolled in with my fake dominance. The staff were all clustered in groups in a corner while volunteers sorted through produce. I ended up asking the person who I sassed last week. They said to go search at the warehouse mini office. I headed that direction, hoping he wouldn't get too grumpy about it. I jokingly queried if I could ask a favor when I found him. I explained that we needed more boxes. He griped that he just bought them a pallet yesterday as we started walking to the workers. I responded that I get grumpy when I don't have my boxes as my fake reason. He saw what the workers were up to and commented that they were starting to scatter because he was approaching. He ordered one to get me some boxes, I thanked him and zoomed back. I forgot if I stole some bread from the warehouse when I was going back or while I stared at the warehouse for about 10 minutes. I ran for the hills while rolling the bread away.
I got bored while I was standing there. I went to tell head honcho 3 that I secured more boxes. I found head honcho 2 back instead. He showed me the texts of the unanswered box requests. I can't remember if it was head honcho 2 or 3 who told me the whole story. Apparently, head honcho 3 journeyed to get some more boxes the day before. Theodore found out and had a cow. It turned into some big meeting. So ducking stupid. He also told me that I especially won't like the changes going out friday(It was true).
I started working on boxes. Eventually, the boxes arrived at the door. I told the driver, "Total goats, you are awesome.". A few seconds later, one of the fellow volunteer asked if it was okay that the boxes were dropped at that spot since the driver tried to go to the other door at first. I grabbed the pallet jack, moved it over, and went to town. I moved them to the other pallet plus cut the plastic straps. I ran into the volunteer engagement manager(I can't remember if I named him. We are buddies) as he passed by. I told him about the box situation, and I mentioned that I was really late on starting the build. He replied that it isn't like they could fire me. I jokely sassed back that if they did, they would lose one of their best volunteers. He answered that he knew, and they were talking about me and how they all love me a few days ago. The worker who I sassed last week, one of the workers that I think is a manager, and the usual worker who says hi greeted me this week. I heard from an outside volunteer that I made cat food man day by bringing him the food. He was the reason I bought it since I heard he has 12 cats.
I took a quick break, and as I was washing my hands, I ran into a fellow volunteer as she was getting ready to leave. I joked that the warehouse is finally quiet so I can listen to my podcast. She replied that I could listen to it even when they are here, and she was down to listen to my podcasts(I did that the next week, actually). The Missing in Arizona episode this week was about an interview of a person who lived under a false identity, how he dealt with that, and how Robert Fisher might have taken one. I think it shows how vastly different the country was before 9/11. During their lunch, head honcho 2 asked if I wanted a local pizza chain for lunch. I responded that definitely, I eat everything(a lie, but free food is free food). I kept chugging along til the cramps made me take a longer break, plus I want to see if the pizza was here. I wondered out and found head honcho 3 also waiting for the pizza in the mini office. I took a seat, watching that window like a hawk. We chatted about how long head honcho two was taking, how we wanted the pizza and how he is planning to leave early. The conversation went on in the same direction. I saw head honcho 2's truck pull up, and stood up to get ready to open the door for him.
Apparently, all the crazy changes really started in spring. He is trying to butter up Theodore, who is stressed from his new boss and the changes by getting him a gift. I joked that a bottle of wine won't fix the issue. I mentioned that I am a volunteer with a mouth, so you use me to help out. He replied that he can't do what I do since he works here. We split a green Chile pepperoni pizza in the kitchen. He didn't get me a drink but offered me a few things to drink, and I declined. I had to get some water a few times because of the spice. I tried go home early, but head honcho 3 really wanted me to finish. My cramps would come in random waves. The head honchos cleaned for the rest of the area a bit earlier. I left them all the trash to deal with and just stacked the last 12 boxes on top of the other 12 boxes that were on the line. I got permission to do that as a part of the deal to finish them. Head honcho 2 was having a meeting in his office, I waved, and he said "You finally going home?". I complained about wanting to leave earlier but noooo. I also told him about the trash pile, and he replied that he would take a look at it when he was done.
I ultimately left around 4, I thought about taking a lyft, but I just decided to walk instead. I had a bit of time before the next bus. I found out there is now a Japanese brulee crepe shop on that side of town. I haven't had any for a while. I didn't have enough time to get one, tho. On the first bus, I heard a loud mini van. A bit tacky and not cool. I saw a news van in a parking lot. On the second bus, I got the positive bus driver, I had to sit next to someone for a bit, and they tapped me to show me that someone hit a cop car. I had to catch a bus home, I technically barely made it, but the driver had a quick break. Someone was playing annoying loud music. Dad called as I was getting off the bus. I complained about my new shoes and he told me that I should have tried them on. I also mentioned the food bank drama. He responded that there can't be drama at the food bank, and we had a brief chat while he was going to work.